Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Literacy And Language Literacy Skills - 1327 Words

Literacy and language are an important part of a child’s development. For children to grow and succeed, it is necessary for them to develop skills in reading. Parents and teachers provide the most influence and guidance when it comes to children’ s learning. General areas that help a child develop their language literacy skills are phonological skills, vocabulary/word meaning skills, reading skills, comprehension, and writing skills. An Age that I would like to teach would be fifth grade; the language literacy skill I would like to research/teach is reading skills. Reading is not always easy for children, however, reading is a part of everyday life. I believe that applying these five strategies below can benefit any level of reading skill for children in the classroom. Strategy one, previewing the text and activating background knowledge. It is valuable for children to have the knowledge to connect past with the present. An example is â€Å"bridging old knowledge with the new ( (Professional Learning Board , 2016).† This simply means that they can take a past lesson or experience then connect it with what they are going to be reading. I know that when I can make a particular connection with what I am reading it interest me and helps provide a clearer understanding of what is to come with the reading material. Teachers can ask a question like what do you know about the topic. These type of questions can get the juices following and â€Å"bridge old knowledge with new knowledge.†Show MoreRelatedMy Assumptions Of Literacy And Language Through Skill Sets1606 Words   |  7 PagesThe definition of Literacy to me was being able to simply read and write English. Growing up I had to go through different international schools which made the definition of language very clear to me. Language was how people of the same culture communicated verbally and in text. 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